Sunday, October 17, 2010

Comparison and Contrast: Mona Lisa.

This fat Mona Lisa shows that as a design element, scale is very important; it has the power to change the whole composition and meaning of a design. By changing the scale of Mona Lisa’s face, the picture has been given some sort of humor, and the aspect goes very far from classical. Apparently, the original Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci has a super powerful meaning on the art history; it represents the classical art even as an icon, and the accomplishment of its aesthetic has been lauding to a top level until today. On the other hand, when I look at the fat Mona Lisa, I fully get rid of the classical feeling of the original painting, instead, I want to laugh. Yet, the impact of the new design comes more obvious, by changing its scale; the new Mona Lisa leads the viewer to a very different way.

However, although scale changes the picture a lot from the original, but the dress, background and other element still makes the viewers to recognize the woman in the picture is (or transformed from) Mona Lisa. This shows that design is built by many elements, those elements work together to puzzle a whole. Depends on how much change a designer wants to make on the original, the much distance will be built. These changes will always create some new meaning.

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